Neighborhood News

Yard Waste Guidelines
A friendly reminder about yard waste guidelines:
What is considered “yard waste”?
Yard waste is defined as grass clippings, leaves, plants, small shrubs; small limbs less than 4 inches in diameter and 5 feet in length, generated from the Association member's collection address.
Is there a maximum amount of yard waste per week?
Yes, there is a maximum of 10 bags and/or bundles per week, per address.
What do I put my yard waste in?
There are 3 acceptable ways to contain yard waste:
  1. Bag – Biodegradable collection bag. Plastic bags are not permitted. Maximum of 64 gallons and/or 40 pounds.
  2. Container – Plastic or steel container clearly labeled “Yard Waste”. Maximum of 64 gallons and/or 40 pounds. Limbs should not extend more than 1 foot outside of container.
  3. Bundle – Limbs, less than 4 inches in diameter, shall be securely bundled with twine. Bundles should be a maximum of 24 inches in diameter, 5 foot in length, and 40 pounds in weight.
Where should I put my yard waste on trash day?
All yard waste should be placed within 6 feet of curb on the opposite side of driveway from trash no later than 6:30 am on the day of collection.