Frequently Asked Questions
Property/House Improvements
chevron_rightWho do I need to contact if I am planning on remodeling or making improvements to my property or house?
The Cities of Leawood and Overland Park require licenses and/or permits for a variety of property improvements and activities. The list of required licenses and permits can be found on the respective City's website at the following links:
The Leawood Estates Homes Association requires homeowners to submit plans for approval on any exterior changes to the property. The Association's Remodeling & New Home Construction Standards and Architectural Control Form can be found on this website at the following link:
Street Trees
chevron_rightWho do I contact if a large branch/tree falls over the weekend?
If a large branch or tree has fallen on top of your home or across your driveway and it's the weekend, please call Arbor Masters for immediate service: (816) 524 - 3131.
If a large branch or tree has fallen into the street and is blocking traffic please contact the city fire department. They will clear the debris or place safety barricades.
Please note that the association will only pay for service done to trees within 12 feet of the curb.
chevron_rightWhat trees are included in the Association's tree trimming and tree removal services?
The trees included in the Association's maintenance services are typically located in the street-facing section(s) of your property and within the street "right-of-way". The right-of-way includes the street and typically the area of your yard about 12' adjacent to the curb. Cul-de-sacs may have slightly narrower right-of-way widths while Lee Boulevard has a larger right-of-way width.
chevron_rightWho is responsible for maintenance of the street trees?
The homeowner is ultimately responsible for the maintenance of the trees within their yard up to the street curb. However, as a service to its members and included in the Association's annual dues, the Association provides the following for trees within the right-of-way: periodic maintenance and emergency tree trimming, the removal of dead, dying, diseased or hazard trees, selective Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) preventative treatments for mature high value ash trees, and eligible replacement tree planting for street trees removed by the Association. The City of Leawood does not provide routine maintenance of street trees but may trim trees that impact delivery trucks and sight lines where necessary.
chevron_rightWhen will my street tree be trimmed and what is included in the routine trimming?
The Association uses a defined schedule to trim the street trees within our home association boundaries. For purposes of this schedule the Association is divided into 4 zones. Please see the map and 4 year rotating schedule on the web site under the
Street Tree Trimming & Maintenance page to identify when your street tree is scheduled to be trimmed. Maintenance tree trimming is typically done during the fall and winter months because this is when the risk of spreading Oak Wilt or attracting the Emerald Ash Borer is at it lowest.
The Association contracts with a tree trimming company that follows ANSI A300 pruning standards and includes the removal of dead or decaying branches 1-2” or more in diameter in the tree crown, the raising of limbs 15’ over roadways and 10’ over driveways and sidewalks, and the removal of limbs obscuring street visibility, lighting and signs.
chevron_rightWho do I call if I see broken, large dead/downed limbs, trunk decay, or other damage to my street tree?
Please contact Homes Association Solutions (HAS) at 913-825-0001 and we will send an arborist to evaluate the situation. Note that the Association will only remove very large downed limbs that are not reasonably manageable for the homeowners to remove themselves.
chevron_rightWho is liable if a large limb or tree falls and causes property damage or personal injury?
It is the responsibility of each homeowner to insure they have sufficient home liability insurance coverage for such tree-related incidents. The Association assumes no responsibility or liability for any personal injury or property damage resulting from falling trees, falling branches, storm/wind/ice damage or other tree-related causes.
chevron_rightCan I get reimbursed for my out of pocket costs if I contract with a private tree service company to trim or remove my ROW street tree?
Should a homeowner choose to contract for tree services privately, our stated policy is that the Association will not provide any out of pocket cost reimbursement for privately contracted street tree services including tree trimming, planting or tree removal. We encourage homeowners to call the Association first if you have concerns or questions about your street trees beyond the routine maintenance the Association provides.
chevron_rightWhat if a street tree in my yard needs to be removed? Does the Association provide replacement trees?
If you have a dead, dying, or diseased street tree or a tree that posses an imminent safety hazard, please contact the Association at 913-825-0001 and we will send out an arborist to evaluate the situation. If a removal is required, the tree will be removed, the stump ground out and stump wood debris removed along with a soil backfill provided. Homeowners are responsible for re-establishing the turf and any damage to landscaping. Homeowners who have their street trees removed may also be eligible for a tree replacement. We follow the City of Leawood stated
policy for determining whether a street tree is eligible for replacement.
Replacement trees are typically planted in the fall and are typically 1-2” in diameter. Homeowners that are eligible for street tree replacements will receive a letter from the Association in the fall that provides them with specific street tree species choices for our contractor. Additionally, as stated in our instructions, homeowners are responsible for contacting One-Call to have utilities marked before we can plant replacement trees.
chevron_rightWhat are Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) treatments?
The Association contracts with a tree service company to provide EAB preventative treatments for high value ash street trees within our Association boundaries. EAB is an invasive insect that can cause significant crown damage and death to ash trees. These treatments help protect ash trees from EAB infections. The treatments however are not 100% effective as many factors might impact an ash trees resistance to EAB. Treatments are done every other year early in the growing season. If you have a large ash street tree in your right-of-way zone you may see a tag on the trunk which indicates it has received EAB treatments. However, not all treated ash trees have tags because they may have fallen off. If you have questions regarding whether you right-of-way ash tree is included in our EAB treatment regime contact the Association at 913-825-0001.
chevron_rightWill the Association arrange for deep root fertilization, spraying or other tree services for my street tree or can the Association recommend some companies that do this?
The Association provides maintenance tree trimming, removal and preventative EAB treatments for street trees however we do not currently contract to provide other tree services. Homeowners are free to privately contract for other value-added services with tree service companies directly.
The Association does not endorse specific tree service companies for private tree work in our neighborhood. Local tree services companies may or may not provide discounts for homeowners. When privately contracting with tree service providers we recommend that you confirm they are fully licensed and insured.
Yard Waste
chevron_rightWhat is considered “yard waste”?
Yard waste is defined as grass clippings, leaves, plants, small shrubs; small limbs less than 4 inches in diameter and 5 feet in length, generated from the Association member's collection address.
chevron_rightIs there a maximum amount of yard waste per week?
Yes, there is a maximum of 10 bags and/or bundles per week, per address.
chevron_rightWhat do I put my yard waste in?
There are 3 acceptable ways to contain yard waste:
- Bag – Biodegradable collection bag. Plastic bags are not permitted. Maximum of 64 gallons and/or 40 pounds.
- Container – Plastic or steel container clearly labeled “Yard Waste”. Maximum of 64 gallons and/or 40 pounds. Limbs should not extend more than 1 foot outside of container.
- Bundle – Limbs, less than 4 inches in diameter, shall be securely bundled with twine. Bundles should be a maximum of 24 inches in diameter, 5 foot in length, and 40 pounds in weight.
chevron_rightWhere should I put my yard waste on trash day?
All yard waste should be placed within 6 feet of curb on the opposite side of driveway from trash no later than 6:30 am on the day of collection.